What is Patreon?

Patreon is a platform where you can support artists and other creators on a monthly basis. In return you get exclusive content that can be digital and/or physical.

How does Patreon work?

As soon as you become a member, this will be charged and you will have direct access to all my digital content. After that, the payment is made automatically every 1st of the month. If you join a tier with physical rewards by the end of the month, you will receive them. All posts will also be translated into english.

take a look

Digital rewards

I share many exclusive insights into my work and my drawing process there. I also post exclusive videos, tutorials, digital downloads, discount codes, access to my Secret Shop and integrate my supporters/patrons into my work through various polls.

Sticker & Goodie Box

Every month I create a sticker and goodie mail based on a different magical/fantasy theme. All products are always exclusive and cheaper than comparable items in my shop.

⇩ Make up your own mind and click through my previous themes ⇩